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MeanEater5 karma

Pre-deployment month long STX- go patrol woodland area for your deployment into rural Afghanistan.

MeanEater1 karma

If you do decide you want to go into the military you need to make a decision. Do you want to be a Cool Guy or get Job Skills? Both sides have their pros and cons. You can opt to be a Cool Guy and have tons of stories and experiences. Or you can skip out on those experiences in exchange for career training (which you get paid for!).

Once you figure out what kind of job you want, see which branches will satisfy you the most. The branches have their pros and cons as well. "US Marine" or "Army Ranger" carry a level of respect, but you'll often be living like shit. "Airman" or "Sailor" doesn't carry the same level of respect, but your living standards will be much higher.

I don't want to start a Branch or job war, just trying to give a young guy some perspective, so if yours is different, please share! For full disclosure, I went Cool Guy and while I really enjoyed my experiences, I felt my Army years were "wasted" educationally/career minded.