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Melly941 karma

Do you think it could be partly due to the fact that in the first world countries haven't had to be faced with an imminent threat from a deadly virus in the population in this generation like Tetanus, Cholera, etc. I mean, sure, we've had the potential threats of bird flu, swine flu, Ebola, etc but they (thankfully) haven't caused a widespread of deaths in the first world countries that would make people more aware of their health. Also, with the medical technology of today, people probably think "oh well, if something bad happened to me then there's lots of stuff at the hospital to treat me with" and take for granted how serious medical situations can become. Also they take for granted just how traumatic certain illnesses or injuries can be on the body. A few years ago, I had an open cut on my arm that had to be glued and taped, for the first week of healing, I was paranoid about the cut re-opening so I barely moved my arm at all, which resulted in muscle stiffness and the pain when I started to use it again. I couldn't imagine how difficult and exhausting it must be to have to relearn how to stand and walk again. Really, it's a credit to you that you managed to retain a positive outlook despite the difficult journey to getting where you are today from the accident.

Melly941 karma

That's such an amazing outlook, I completely agree with you. Health is so precious, it's taken for granted so much until it becomes a problem. I hope you're doing well now!

Melly941 karma

What is one positive thing you could take away from your experience?