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MicahsAnAristocrat56 karma

Ah, yes, I'm sure 911 operators and dispatchers must love that shit.

MicahsAnAristocrat30 karma

When describing your marriage to your second husband, you said, "It was a disaster, a total disaster. After a couple years, I got out. I cried every day." You're someone who's obviously forged a very strong character that persists to this day despite whatever trauma you may have gone through, so could you give us an idea of how you handled that grief and depression in such a way that allowed you to maintain such a productive and inspiring lifestyle?

MicahsAnAristocrat19 karma

Do you think 'Go Ask Alice' was really written by a wayward teenage girl, or do you think the whole thing was written by the Bilderberg Group as a conspiracy to overthrow Big Marijuana?

MicahsAnAristocrat2 karma

I would've lied about every single report card. How many did you lie about? Or did they have a way to find out?

MicahsAnAristocrat-5 karma

Have you come across any ancient spank-rags yet? Ancient porno? No? Yes? Regardless, I'll donate some cash.