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MichaelEdenAMA55 karma

As you can imagine he and his band and were living breathing train wrecks. At the show we shared a bill he shit himself on stage and rolled around in it. Assaulted a girl with a mic stand. He then got into a fight with her boyfriend and shortly after the police arrived slipped out. I liked him and his brother, but they were waaaaay out there.

MichaelEdenAMA22 karma

No doctor has ever addressed it. With my plethora of problems, my diet took a back seat for a long time. My son has put a lot of effort into cooking healthier home cooked meals for me in the last year. He tires to keep my saturated fats low and make sure I get some vegetables, but it doesn't seem to help with the inflammation from my arthritis.

MichaelEdenAMA9 karma

I've tried, I can't take biologics due to my liver. I went through two rounds of chemo over a decade ago to slow the arthritis, and it didn't help me unfortunately. And its hella expensive.

MichaelEdenAMA9 karma

Thanks for the questions everybody and I'll check tomorrow to see if there are any more! I'll be back Reddit and all questions will be answered.

MichaelEdenAMA9 karma

Since coming out of my coma I have smoked weed with my son a handful of times. Unfortunately the effect seems to be significantly stronger than normal. I typically would lose 100% of my balance and one time vomited pretty badly. I plan on trying CBD oil, my son actually just order a container of Amazon, so hopefully it helps. It doesn't help that at the moment I live in a state that has possession laws where four ounces can get you life in prison!