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Mictlantecuhtli36 karma

Where was the most unstable hostile territory in which you conducted an excavation?

Mictlantecuhtli26 karma

Oh I bet. That region seems rife for storytelling. At my undergrad I had a professor that had gotten caught up in the 1973 Afghanistan coup d'état and then a year later the Cypriot/Turkish split of 1974.

Mictlantecuhtli5 karma

Isn't that still classified? Or is that the fasted unclassified speed?

Mictlantecuhtli3 karma

Would people be more accepting of TSA if it weren't government run and instead a feature of the airlines/airport?

Mictlantecuhtli1 karma

Have you looked into the pre-hispanic beliefs and knowledge of hummingbirds during your research? I ask because the hummingbird was revered among people like the Mexica (aka Aztec) and Purepecha (aka Tarascan). I know among the Mexica they would capture enough hummingbirds to make feather cloaks from hummingbird feathers. While people may look down on folk beliefs, I can't help but wonder how much Mesoamerican peoples got correct through their own interaction with these birds.