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Mikevercetti74 karma

I had that before I got divorced. All my friends wives and girlfriends were friends with my ex wife. And they all basically said their SOs said they couldn't be friends with me anymore.

They still hang out with my ex fairly regularly from what I understand. Never would've guessed that my fraternity brothers whom I expected to be lifelong friends would vanish so easily but that's life I guess 🤷‍♂️

Mikevercetti24 karma

I don't really see why that's a problem. If they want to spend the extra money, so be it. You have that same option. Hell, I don't even think these parks are worth going to without fast passes; the lines are so ridiculous.

Mikevercetti23 karma

Yeah. It sucks but I've made peace with it. I still talk to two of them on occasion, but I only ever see one. And that's getting lunch like two or three times in the last year and we only live 40 minutes away

Mikevercetti5 karma

Definitely got me through some boredom when I was in middle school. But I also found out about Runescape through Miniclip, so thanks for taking over my life for 3+ years.

Mikevercetti5 karma

For context, I work as a detention deputy for one of the country's largest county sheriff's offices. What do you plan on doing in order to help combat recidivism? In my opinion, that's the biggest issue that we currently have with our correctional system. While I'd like to keep people for lower level offenses out of jail if they can avoid it, I'd really like to stop seeing the same people come in and out, year after year.