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MilkMiner2 karma

I started working online in 1997 and now own a small eCommerce business. The Internet has historically been a great equalizer, a place where a guy like me, struggling in poverty could learn valuable skills and climb the social ladder. Even after the bubble burst, the opportunity was still there, but times are changing. More and more we see the big players flexing their muscles at the detriment of the little guys. Google has essentially made search traffic a pay to play space, Amazon's Marketplace "Fairness" Act seeks to push smaller retailers out of business or onto Amazon's shopping platform and now Comcast is trying to set up toll booths on the last mile of cable to extort money out of content providers. Without maintaining net neutrality, the last vestiges of an equal opportunity Internet will fade into memory, so my question is this; who does the FCC answer to and how can we apply a whole lot of pressure?

MilkMiner2 karma

Not 100% on point, but what is FIFA's reasoning for ignoring female players' requests to move the Women's World Cup to a venue with a grass pitch?

MilkMiner2 karma

We have a laundry list of major problems going on right now; climate change, colony collapse disorder, the rise of antibiotic resistant bugs, widening income inequality and on and on and on, but from where I'm sitting it looks like the folks in D.C. are walking around oblivious. 30% of honey bee colonies die off every year. All our food crops are dependent on bees for pollination. Nobody in D.C. connects the dots. Am I off-base or has D.C. devolved into a bunch of Benghazi finger pointing and wedge issues while the proverbial sky is falling?

MilkMiner1 karma

Did he say anything? I mean was it a robbery, or just people being horrible?