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MisoMeh1 karma

What are your thoughts on Forced Labor-made products such as (I'm sure you have heard) the one about Halloween Decorations made at Masanjia Labor Camp. And are some factories workers there exposed to debt slavery, and anything that would be consider anything "unmoral"? How much do you actually get to witness when you are inspecting?

MisoMeh1 karma

How many asteroids have been on course for Earth up until today?

MisoMeh-4 karma

Oh okay. I see, thanks for answering though. I kind of figured it could have been a dumb question. So I'm guessing you are either going back to Europe or heading into China again? How about inspecting goods in other parts of Asia like Japan, or Thailand?

Actually, I know that Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted in China since 1999 because of their belief. It is a spiritual meditation practice that practices according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance.The government wanted to persecute them because it believed Falun Gong was a threat to the Communist Party. Falun Gong had over 100 million ppl practicing. There are also parades, street booths, exhibitions that I have seen. Also have you heard of Organ Harvesting? It's some horrible stuff.period.