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MonstersUGrad9885 karma

I'd never been hypnotised by someone before.

Several times whilst under I thought 'this doesn't make any sense! There is definitely not a mouse in my hand!' My brain simply said 'yeah, but he's cute right? look at his cute face!' So it was essentially playing along and buying into it. Other things were more strange. When we were told to forget our names, I totally forgot it. The more I questioned why the hell I couldn't remember my name when there was no apparent logical reason, the harder it was to remember anything resembling a name. I guessed Aaron. I was way off.

The agreements were mainly about his specific methods. As well as agreeing to TV rights and appearance rights. That we couldn't sue. All that malarky. I can talk about my general experiences but I'm keeping this anonymous so that I can skirt that bit of the agreement. It's not a secrecy agree persé. more a legal "Don't steal my shit or allow others to steal my shit!....but can we have your appearance rights please?"

MonstersUGrad9862 karma

Lots happened that they didn't show. Contestants were split up into groups of 3 or 4 and those with the most television friendly stories were the primary stories in the show. We had to send in daily video diaries (2 x 1 minute diaries a day) and some footage of us opening and eating the pills (I guess that last bit was a pickup). Of course, that's hours and hours of footage to fit into a show so short. They did a good job highlighting the most affected participants.

The one thing that I wish they DID show though was from before we all started. We were put up in a hotel so we could start early in the morning. So naturally, all the participants met each other over pizza and beer and started chatting. It came out there that we all were very convinced Derren was involved (this hadn't been confirmed at this point) and that the drug would be a placebo. As a group we decided 'what the hell? this isn't something you get to do everyday and if it works, that's amazing!' So in spite of us essentially knowing the ending, it STILL worked. That, to me, is more impressive. I wish they'd have shown us doubting it a little bit for that reason.

MonstersUGrad9848 karma

The gold medalist pro wrestler? He was hired to take out the boys in One Direction.

MonstersUGrad9826 karma

You're mixing up 'BS' and what they've actually said. Hypnoticism is very real and works on many types of people. I've seen it work on people who swore it would never work on them. People who didn't want it to work on them. It's less about that and more whether certain parts of your character are a certain way. Are you creative? Then there's a darn good chance it will work on you. It makes it easier if you 'believe' (purely because they don't have to put with you working against them at every possible moment,) but we're not talking santa clause here, we're talking very real psychological techniques.

All that said, do take it easy. You're going to give yourself a hernia! Smile, be happy, be intrigued and most to all, be open minded!

MonstersUGrad9826 karma

Haha. I always worry I'm going to see him on TV and he'll mutter a secret activation phrase. He's gathering a silent army.