Highest Rated Comments

MoosePilot340 karma

computer scientists having a visceral reaction to those horribly unrealistic computer hacking scenes on TV.

I'll have you know I create VB GUIs to hack government databases and backtrace criminal IPs all the time.

MoosePilot199 karma

I'll take a crab juice.

MoosePilot111 karma

Do you think that your dad was a fair and honest judge?

I can't possibly see this being true. If what she says he did is true (the dismissal of officers and the manipulation of a councilor), it does not take a large leap to get to the point where he believes himself to be the absolute authority on most things. People like that often consider nothing but their own point of view.

Personally, I believe if you are aggressive, manipulative, violent, etc, you will be so in most if not all aspects of your life. Different forms maybe, but there nonetheless.

MoosePilot3 karma

Fucking Awesome.

MoosePilot2 karma

I'm totally late to the party but still:

Man I love Impostor Nostalgia! Can't wait for this next album.

My question (or rather demand): When will you be remixing the music from Battletoads? I always loved it's music (dat pause beat!) . I think you could totally pull off revamping it. I'd pay good money for this, just to remember the feeling of homicidal rage one got from the game.

Thanks for such great work!!