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MoreDetailThanNeeded827 karma

Andy, this may sound odd, but I took your story very seriously.

It's kinda made me look at the way I treat people every day.

Not just friends, not just family... but random people...

People walking down the street, strangers in the park, young people, old people...

Thinking not necessarily that they are me, but honestly envisioning their experience and their life. Making sure that if I saw it from their eyes, that my impact would be one of positivity at the very least....

Good story, friend.

MoreDetailThanNeeded1 karma

Oh you poor misguided boy...

I wish you could see how transparent the fragility of your ego is...

Never said anything about OP being a misogynist... Nor am I hateful in any way, or a subscriber to stereotypes... But I can see why you need to feel that way about me to write me off. It's okay.

I know you want someone to engage you in conversation about this topic...it's pretty clear you are dying to have someone pay attention to what you believe... I just can't... There are just too many people who share your ideological standpoint and it hasn't been original since the first 50 or so times I heard it... And that was before reddit was even in existence... Young white men all kinda sound the same after a while, and they are never really relevant to discussions about sexism until they learn their place as the cause of the problem.

MoreDetailThanNeeded1 karma

Yeah I'm a weirdo... And a proud one...

It takes a lot for me to dismiss an entire group of people all at once. A whole lot.

They've earned it.

Actually the fact that I'm mentioning a subreddit is because we are on reddit. I also despise them in the world off the Internet and would say the same things in any other public forum. Supposed "men's rights" advocates are advancing the systemic effects of sexism against women and trans people and it's disgusting no matter the venue.

Also, if you disagree, what makes you feel so important that you must comment to me about it? I didn't ask for your opinion, but your ego demanded that you give it anyway...

MoreDetailThanNeeded0 karma

The world needs less of what you're doing here, and more caring and understanding...

I hope you get better soon.