Highest Rated Comments

MrJim9117 karma

Because it's shoddy pseudoscience, you're not missing anything.

MrJim9112 karma

We can always ask the officers, firefighters or paramedics if we are interested.

MrJim9112 karma

I'm not OP, but everyone is going to react differently to what they are exposed to in this career. Personally after doing it for 16 years I grew to basically dislike meeting new people. I have a core group of friends that will always be there. I have zero interest in meeting new people. I'm also more attentive when it comes to mitigating risk when I'm out in public.

MrJim9112 karma

Always know your location. Answer any questions we ask. Those questions are not delaying the response.

MrJim9111 karma

Questions are asked to gather as much pertinent information as possible for the benefit of the caller and responders. No, we don't need to ask questions until someone arrives but it will happen if the response time is short. There will be some calls where we are required to keep the caller on the phone until help arrives.