Highest Rated Comments

MrWiggles228 karma

What's your best seller? For men/women?

Personal favorite? Or boyfriends favorite?

How long have you been in the business? How long do you intend to stay?

MrWiggles21 karma

Long time subscriber here, the NIK email and a cup of coffee are my morning routine.

I was a bit surprised when I received a response to my email I sent you, and we've had a bit of back and forth a couple times. It made me feel kinda famous by proxy, even if you haven't featured anything I've suggested.

Regarding the book, is it articles from the archives, entirely new content, or a bit of both?

MrWiggles21 karma


If I recall correctly from his video he was using MakerBot printers, which are commercially available.

MrWiggles20 karma

You talk as though female birth control are the only form of contraceptive.

You said again in an above post the "the burden of birth control lies solely on women."


What about condoms? Surely that is a form of contraceptive/birth control, one that is obviously accessible and used often by men.