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Mr_Wrann84 karma

Is there a reason why Jeb in particular isn't afraid of anything? And also why is he the best Kerbin?

Mr_Wrann16 karma

How do you feel about Oscar voters not having to see a movie to vote for it, or see all the movies in a given category before voting? I feel like some categories, such as best animated feature, go neglected because the voters don't care about them as much.

Also what are your feelings about the different types of film critics, such as more comedic critics like Red Letter Media?

Mr_Wrann6 karma

To be honest, there is no way you can lower gun based suicide by targeting guns, unless you go after all guns. You have to target the core reason of why people commit suicide because more guns doesn't mean more suicides, only more suicide by firearm.

Mr_Wrann6 karma

What that fails to point out is suicide rates of other countries where on a reported global scale the U.S. comes in around the middle. If the study's were to be believed than the U.S. should easily rank number 1, but that title goes to South Korea, which has very very low rate of firearms.

According to this post from the Washington Post the U.S. had a suicide rate of 10.1 per 100,000 people; lower than South Korea(24.7), Finland(16.5) France(14.6), and Germany(10.3). Though to be fair that was for 2005 while this OECD site has much more recent years, but the numbers still hold mostly true with the U.S. sitting near the middle. Suicide is a very deep issue and on a global scale higher rates of firearm ownership does not necessarily equal higher rates of suicide.

As to your earlier question of, lowering gun violence and still keep reasonable gun owners happy? Well the honest answer I can give you, as someone who likes guns, is not much. I don't think I have honestly heard an argument for more gun control, that doesn't boil down to getting people to enforce existing laws,that I would agree with. Looking at Kia's examples 5-7 I agree with no problems there, on 4 the CDC isn't banned from doing research on gun violence, and 1-3 are unacceptable to me which I'll explain.

close background check loopholes

This was a compromise made on purpose in the 1993 Brady Bill, and the targeting of this and calling it a "loophole" tells me that any compromise made now will just be targeted later on. It shows that if I as a firearm owner give any ground to a compromise that is not set in permanent stone I will loose 10 times out of 10.

reinstate the assault weapons ban

This ban did nothing and is such a nebulous term that it can make a gun with a bayonet mount an assault weapon. This did not target automatic weapons but instead random parts of semi-automatic weapons like being to heavy.

ban high capacity magazines and bump stocks

This generally means ban normal capacity mags of 10-30 rounds which is not high capacity, all this does is remove a persons ability to have a normal capacity magazine. While bump stocks were used once in a single attack, albeit very terrible attack, but I can't agree on a ban based on a single person.

Right now pretty much all gun owners I know would be unwilling to come to any kind of negotiation table because any proposal from the gun-control side isn't give and take it's just take. A question I like to ask is why should I compromise, what do I stand to gain from coming to the table?

Mr_Wrann4 karma

San Francisco actually busses out more homeless than they have bussed in.