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NFLinPDX109 karma

Seriously, as an American, I get so annoyed hearing people talk about "waiting a few hours" as if we skip right into our Dr's offices and just get everything done without hesitation. It's nothing against you folks up in Canada, just that it's always presented as a deterrent for socializing medicine, yet I've never had such a luxury to walk in and see a doctor right away and head over to another area in the building for lab work without multiple hours of waiting interspersed with it all.

I suspect it is from medical lobbyists using that as a downside when the politicians they talk to are being treated by doctors that aren't as busy as the ones available to the public.

NFLinPDX32 karma

Can (anecdotally) confirm: I dated a Chinese woman and we would frequent a restaurant we liked, where the staff would speak amongst themselves and refer to me as "ghost". She never let on that she could understand them, but they did get nicer as we became regulars.

NFLinPDX8 karma

Okay... first of all, it had the best dim sum I've ever tasted.

Secondly, I never felt outwardly disrespected. They still acted polite and I continued to tip well because without me knowing what they said in Cantonese, I would have tipped well.

Third, I understand prejudice is a thing. I was a white man, dating a Chinese woman, and they may have looked down on that. She was first generation American, but they didn't know she spoke Cantonese. They gave me no reason to hate them, so I have them reason to not hate me and kept coming back.

I stopped frequenting the place after my gf and I broke up, because it became our "thing" and going without her felt weird.

NFLinPDX7 karma

That seems overly aggressive

NFLinPDX7 karma

"Diu Lei Lo Mo!" (屌你老母or 𨳒你老母, "fuck your mother") is a highly offensive profanity in Cantonese when directed against a specific person instead of used as a general exclamation.
