Highest Rated Comments

NarfSquared19 karma

I'm not that interesting, I do pretty much nothing for the world besides not being a rapist or racist child beating wife cheating on whatever your poison type of crap you can think of.

NarfSquared13 karma

The easiest jokes to write are the jokes you make out of what you see day to day. Things that you yourself find funny. The trick is, if you think it's funny and at least one other person has hardheartedly laughed at (With?)you, you might actually be really funny.

Therefore you just have to twist your life, or your rationalizations of life. The comedy will write itself, if you're funny.

I see there are some non-believers, you stay there and keep thinking the way you're thinking, it's totally working for you

NarfSquared9 karma

"Were you in the new Star Trek? YES." hahahah

NarfSquared6 karma

Why are you giving my dick pics to the NSA?

NarfSquared5 karma

What's keeping you from becoming an entity that solely makes decisions based on profits instead of the ease of use for your consumers?