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Nash_and_Gravy7 karma

Sorry don’t want to be pedantic here but borderlands isn’t actually cel shaded, the game just has thick black outlines and a hand drawn art style that makes it appear that way, most cell shaded games actually do not feature those trademark black lines.

Some examples of cel shaded games are: Jet Set Radio, Wind Waker, 2003’s hulk, Killer 7, no more heroes, and many many others.

Nash_and_Gravy2 karma

Hey so this may be more of a personal question but I hope you don’t mind.

I’m curious as to how you arrived at the position to conduct this research, i realize you are in France and I’m an American so obviously the paths would be different. This is work that seems very fulfilling to me but I messed up a lot when I was younger in high school and ruined my chances for college. Currently going through a community college and then I’m going to try again for an actual school, I’m just kinda curious if you think this is the type of work (sociology? Social research, idk what the proper term would be) someone in my position could eventually be doing.

Nash_and_Gravy2 karma

Thanks a lot man! It’s intimidating stuff for me since I was pretty much raised to be a farmer, it’s just nice to have someone else say it’s possible thank you.

Nash_and_Gravy1 karma

Seems pretty good, only Zelda game I’ve played though is Skyward Sword haha.

Nash_and_Gravy1 karma

Of course! That and Mario 64 basically raised me.