Highest Rated Comments

NaugahydeWindpipe4 karma

According to this The Grey Wolf Population is doing fine:


Are you claiming that they are just making it all up?

NaugahydeWindpipe3 karma

What do you do if his wish is to have sex before he dies?

NaugahydeWindpipe3 karma

The legal age of consent in Nevada is 16 years of age. Nevada also has plenty of legal brothels. If the kid is 16, then this would be legal. If the kid asks to go a legal brothel in Nevada and he is dying. Then what do you tell him?

NaugahydeWindpipe3 karma

Why should we donate to you when there are real Indie Directors who actual need the money? To think that you with all your money and connections couldn't scrounge up another $35 somewhere or just pay for it yourself is laughable.

NaugahydeWindpipe2 karma

How do feel about these weirdos jacking it to your characters?