Highest Rated Comments

Need2throw12 karma

You obviously love to challenge your body and mind, what's next?

Need2throw7 karma

Anytime we'd see a show at the Showbox Market we'd drunkingly stumble down to the Lusty Lady. Huge fan of quarters in, titties out.

Did you prefer dancing in front of the 2 way mirror, or where the customers could see you?

Need2throw7 karma

Life is about challenges. I couldn't imagine just doing the day to day thing. I'm gonna get the most out of this life I was given.

Need2throw6 karma

Did you attend the 1962 worlds fair? What did you think about the Space Needle the first time you saw it?

103 years old. That's some seriously bad ass killing life shit.

Need2throw5 karma

I was 15 years old playing in a baseball tourney in Phoneix, AZ. I'd just got done with a game, and was waiting in the elevator to head back up to my room to play some Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball on my N64. When the scariest bunch of dudes walked in.....followed by you. I about shit my pants because this was right after I'd heard Living Dead Girl for the first time. You turned around and said "you guys win?" Not sure how I responded but I remember asking if you wanted to play a quick game. You said if I found you in the morning, you'd be happy to kick my ass. Just know, you're lucky I never found you.

Thanks for contributing your art to my generation. It's been an honor to witness it.