Highest Rated Comments

Needsnewbatteries20 karma

Favorite Jay and Silent bob movie? Which was most fun to shoot? Which do you think turned out best?

Needsnewbatteries9 karma

Awesome! One of my favorites as well. Have to say though, Clerks had such a natural, real tone to it that really makes me love it.

Maybe it's because everyone was just starting out, but it didn't really seem like acting, just a day in a few guy's life...

Well the 37 dicks girl was pretty funny too lmao.

Needsnewbatteries4 karma

No question, but you are an good man. Great job friend. When you meet Jesus someday, I'm sure He will put His arm around you and tell you "well done good and faithful servant."

Needsnewbatteries1 karma

Many of the rich are corrupt, including Soros, and most of the politicians in office. If we discredit one corrupt rich guy, we must discredit them all.

Needsnewbatteries1 karma

Don't be sorry, so nice of you to come back the next day and reply!

Which do you find more concerning, the NSA Metadata gathering, or the gathering of reporters communications as done by Eric Holder recently?