Highest Rated Comments

NeilNeilOrangePeel16 karma

Haha nice response:

  • knows what the Turing test is

  • fan of Bladerunner

  • happy to use netologisms like 'derp'

Replicant or not you could pass for a Redditor any day. You should stick your nose in to reddit.com/r/Australia from time to time.

There's supposed to be 40,000 of us, but I think that is a bit of an overestimate. That aside, apart from the occassional neoliberal knucklehead they seem to be decent bunch.

NeilNeilOrangePeel9 karma

G'Day Scott.

You've been negotiating with Labor for the last 2 1/2 years. You must have some idea now about what motivates them.

It seems as though, going back all the way to Rudd's 2020 summit, that in the last 5 years Labor has shelved more proposals than it has seen through. In the face of vested interests, if it can't shelve it's own policies it will white ant them to the point of ineffectiveness (see the mining tax).

The Australian people can't continue to have governments that keep siding against them with the big end of town and obviously the Coalition is even worse than Labor in this department.

So my question is:

What can be done about this?

If Labor loses the next election as predicted, what advice would you give them? How can they reform?

Can you give us any insight as to why Labor seems to have been such a cowering wreck?

Oh, and best of luck in the next election mate.

NeilNeilOrangePeel6 karma

You got your order wrong.

You didn't preference the "No Carbon Tax" party between Democrats and Sex Party. They are between Smoker's Rights and Australian Christians.

Incidentally.. why do you preference the Socialist Equality Party after Family First?

WA Senate Group Tickets

NeilNeilOrangePeel3 karma

G'Day Scott,

It seems the Libs have been playing a "low-profile" election campaign.. avoiding questions and scrutiny, not submitting their policies for costings etc. I would have thought it should be obvious to most that they have some fairly nasty surprises in wait for the Australian people if they win this weekend.

So, in your opinion:

*1*. Have the media failed to hold our policians to account in this election? What should they be doing differently to counter this "avoid everything" tactic?


*2*. If you were to speculate, what do suspect will be the #1 "nasty surprise" Abbott & co have in mind for us?

NeilNeilOrangePeel3 karma

Fair enough.

I'll be voting Greens of course, but given the choice I'd rather see a hardcore Trot causing mischief in parliament than Steven Fielding. It would be worth it for the comedy value if nothing else.