Highest Rated Comments

Neiljackandjimmy69 karma

What do you think about the lonely island movie that's been announced?

Neiljackandjimmy20 karma

Hi! I'm from England and I just wanted to thank you for making me laugh so much. My question is if you could do a special week of latenight in any country/state, which would you pick?

Neiljackandjimmy15 karma

Do your family ever come to watch the show?

Neiljackandjimmy4 karma

Is there any more rejected nsp/ starbomb song names you can remember that you haven't told us?

Neiljackandjimmy2 karma

I'm a big fan of late night (even if I live in the uk and can only watch clips on YouTube) Do you ever look at your fan sites on tumblr, livejournal etc?