Highest Rated Comments

NephilimGiant56 karma

He/she doesn't have any, save yourself the time.

NephilimGiant43 karma

Hey Les!

I'm a broke college student and live near a big park, any tips on finding food to survive?

NephilimGiant14 karma

Who has your vote in this upcoming presidential election?

NephilimGiant2 karma

As someone getting ready for college, Mr. Johnson what do you believe we need to do to fix our education system?

NephilimGiant1 karma

My question is for Emanuele, the Ferguson protests sparked outrage and protests across the nation is response to what occurred. Many places such as NYC held them very peacefully whereas other places such as Ferguson not so much. Do you think it has helped bring more attention to the issue at hand at a national scale or has it hurt the cause of anti-police brutality in anyway?