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Nersheti4 karma

I’ve got a great story about him.

I had the privilege of seeing him at Red Rocks back in ‘05 with several other bands. I loved his use of dijeridoos and downloaded a bunch of his stuff when I got home. A year later, I was in Perth with my mom doing touristy stuff. To commemorate the trip, I decided to get another tattoo. I found a shop and chose a design that complimented one I already had. Basically a tribal wrap around my left ankle with a kanji that said happiness. The other one said love. I’ve got it all ready to go, colors picked out and I’m sitting in the chair getting ready to start when one of his songs comes over the speakers. I ask the artist if that’s Xavier Rudd. He gets a bewildered look on his face and asks how I know about Xavier Rudd. I tell him about Red Rocks and a few other festivals that I’ve seen him at and show him all the music of his I have on my iPod. He kinda sighs and says “well, you seem like a pretty cool guy, so I can’t let you get this tattoo.” I ask why. He reveals that most of their kanji, Sanskrit, and Hebrew art don’t say what the translations say. The one I had chosen actually said asshole instead of happiness. He finds the correct kanji and gets to work. It turned out really well, and I’ve since had the translation checked by multiple native Chinese speakers.

Thank you MR Rudd for saving me from permanently being an asshole.

Nersheti3 karma

Have you ever collaborated with other one man bands like Keller Williams, Xavier Rudd, or That One Guy?

Nersheti3 karma

I’ve seen Keller a bunch of times. He plays several instruments and loops them w pedals to sound like a whole band. He plays with the String Cheese Incident a lot.

Xavier Rudd does pretty much the same, but he’s Australian so he adds dijeridoos to the mix for a very unique sound.

I’ve only seen That One Guy once (opening for Keller in Deep Ellum) but he was pretty cool. Created his own instrument called the Magic Pipe.