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No_Easy_Buckets16 karma

Well he did just smack down Paul Krugman the other week

No_Easy_Buckets9 karma

I want to talk about the debt negotiations! Why isnt the fact that us long term debt has low yields news? Or even part of the mainstream discussion? The federal government can still borrow for a very very low price, one of the lowest prices in decades. This is unlike the European situation where debt, especially Greek debt, is very expensive for the sovereign entities. Why isn't this being discussed? We are after all about to hit a completely artificial and self inflicted barrier. Why isn't any attention paid to that? This crisis is man made not market made. Why aren't unemployment and low growth considered larger problems? Even if you think the debt "crisis" is the end of the world why do people think that we will be able to pay off our debt with a shrinking taxable base?

Over the past two years we have seen downgrades from ratings agencies on advanced industrial nations that print their own currency and are almost politically stable that have had no effect at all on those states' ability to borrow. Why aren't these simple economic indicators discussed more widely?

No_Easy_Buckets6 karma

How significant is it that big rebel factions like Jabhat al-Nusra and others rejected the new coalition earlier this month? What consequences will this have on post Assad state building?

Did you see those kinds of extreme Islamists? Or we're you with a more secular group? Sorry I haven't read your stories.

No_Easy_Buckets5 karma

Being able to barter for gas is one of my favorite things about Oregon.

No_Easy_Buckets4 karma

How can we have a free Internet but still have intellectual property rights?