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NobodyKnowsImaDog86 karma

Ebert's IAMA has taken the form of a 3 Act Play:

Act 1: The people of Reddit decide that they want Roger Ebert to do an IAMA. MercurialMadnessMan manages to contact Ebert and creates a IAMA thread. There is great hope.

Act 2: No answers for months. Has MercurialMadnessMan betrayed us? Has Ebert betrayed MMM? Complaint threads are started. Mobs assemble.

Act 3: Ebert responds to the IAMA. MecurialMadnessMan is reunited with his mom. The people of reddit are happy once more.

So I imagine that Charlie Kaufman's IAMA will go as follows:

Act 1: Reddit requests a Kaufman IAMA. MercurialMadnessMan has a dream in which he is an ape in a cage and Charlie Kaufman is a zoo keeper. In the dream he meets Snoo the brave Reddit Alien and they begin to fall in love.

Act 2: MercurialMadnessMom is worried about her son who is spending more and more time as an ape in the dream world. MMM is starting to wonder whether his time as an Ape may be reality and reddit is only a dream. He has never felt such love as he now feels for Snoo. Little does he know that Snoo relies on MMM's reddit posts to stay alive. Because MMM is spending so much time as an ape, Snoo is slowly dying.

Act 3: MMM realises that Snoo is dying and is forced to give up his love in order to save it. His mom is happy but he is not. He spends his nights crying and making posts to reddit so that Snoo might live. The camera pans out from his room. Down the corridor. Out the window. Back and Back. We see the city lights. We see continents. The earth. The solar system. The galaxy. The universe. Then nothing but blackness.


A cursor blinks.

I am Charlie Kaufman AMA_ _ _