Highest Rated Comments

Nolubrication38 karma

Mr. Lessig, you've stated that your goal is to influence 5 congressional races in 2014. Which incumbent seats, if any, do you plan to defend with Mayday PAC? And which seats do you plan to contest and with what challengers?

Thanks for all you that you do. My $100 was part of the first $1k this morning.

Nolubrication27 karma

That's precisely why I think you'll have a monster on a leash once you start a concerted publicity campaign. Just by publishing a website with a twitter announcement, you've already collected close to $200k, putting you on track to reach your goal of $1 million, not in a month, but a week's time. If you give the talk show circuit the full court press this coming month, you won't even need to do round two to meet your goal for this election cycle. Go, Larry, go!

Nolubrication20 karma

Can you legally require that those benefiting from Mayday PAC funds refuse all other big money donations? Or would that be considered coordinating and against the law?

Nolubrication5 karma

Can you reveal who the donors are that are matching the kickstarter funds?

Nolubrication5 karma

I think I have something to add to #2, as well as a shameless plug for /r/MaydayPAC. From our sidebar:

The US Population is 316,128,839 (76.5% is voting age). If only one quarter of the voting age public donate $1, it will equal $60.4 million. If half give $5 it will equal $604.6 million.

The largest Super PAC raised $20.5 million in 2014. All Super PACs combined reported $201.8 million.

These are not insurmountable odds. Together we can do this!