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Nopethemagicdragon12 karma

What experience do you have at either local or state government levels to convince me that you understand how to operate the executive and get legislation through the convoluted processes we have?

Nopethemagicdragon6 karma

No, but for a third party candidate I'd like to see that they have some experience working well with people of different backgrounds. Any third party governor will have no party support structure to work from, and will need to hit from day one with neogitating and organizing coalitions to accomplish anything.

I think this dude is way underqualified for governor, but I'm glad to at least see one thing in his background that shows some respect for governance.

Nopethemagicdragon6 karma

Great, somehow I didn't see the city council part on your description. That to me is absolutely the most important - if you've served and been re-elected to a post like that it shows some understanding of how government operates.

Nopethemagicdragon3 karma

It's better than nothing. There's a lot of governor candidates on the LP ticket nationwide that haven't done anything at all (a recent interview was posted for two candidates in michigan who had less experience than jill stein.)