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Not_Tilden_Katz126 karma

This is so beautiful.

Not_Tilden_Katz124 karma

As a native Calgarian, firstly I want to thank you for coming to Calgary in one of our worst winter’s ever to film Fargo. We don’t usually have winters that bad, and I’m wondering if you had ever been to Calgary before and if you will ever come back? I saw a reporter grab you when you were walking down the street to ask you questions and I don’t even think he knew who you were. You seemed like such a good sport even in the freezing cold. If that had been my first winter in Calgary I would have run far and never returned but I hope you will come back one day, when the weather is nicer perhaps. I do think the horrible cold and snow though, lent an amazing backdrop to Fargo so again I thank you for braving the cold. Fargo TV was incredible. Also have you ever filmed in worse conditions?

Not_Tilden_Katz35 karma

I am addicted to Mad Men. I binge watch it over and over again. There is no other show I can watch this much but Mad Men paints such a rich tapestry of the 60s that I find myself lost in it. So I have a couple questions for you :

  1. How much control / input do you have over the set designs, costumes and music? Do you have other people who handle all this for you? I would imagine it takes quite a team to pull it all together

  2. I am so obsessed with the show I’ve made a Mad Men playlist. After every show this season I downloaded a song from the episode – my favourites being Only Daddy Who Could Walk The Line, This Will be Our Year and I’m a Man. Do you have any suggestions of favourite songs from the 60s or songs you would like to have had in the show or other suggestions that I can add to my playlist?

And finally – how can I stop my Mad Men addiction? I’m afraid to ever tell anyone how many times I’ve watched it end to end.

p.s Can't wait to see the new film - I love your writing.

Not_Tilden_Katz16 karma

Sure, thanks for asking. This is most of it. Some songs weren't in Mad Men, they are just some that remind of that era. Here it is

Not_Tilden_Katz7 karma

It's actually raining but I went out and picked raspberries anyway. Didn't cure my addiction. Thanks for the AMA.