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NovaLovesFrogs7 karma

I sometimes have fits similar to this. But first it starts with my GI tract shutting down entirely, and I can feel the food I've eaten the last few days rotting in my gut.

Then starts the vomiting.

I was diagnosed with having episodes of gastroparesis when I was seventeen, but now [I'm 23 now] I have a doctor that doesn't think it's gastroparesis, or that it's gastroparesis mixed with something else that causes these episodes.

Did they ever suspect you of having something similar? And while you had to go through the process of elimination, could you possibly tell me about it? What they suspected it of being, the tests and medications they tried, the whole process, leading up to the proper diagnoses?

I'm really sorry for asking such a question, but this whole thing has been incredibly stressful on me. My digestive tract is so messed up I often find myself even crying over it. It feels hopeless and like they'll never find the problem, therefore I'll never get to live without it.

Sorry if I'm being a downer. I just see posts like these and as awful as it sounds, I become so relieved that I'm not alone in having things wrong with my digestive tract. Not that I would wish this on anybody, but it is a relief to know I'm not the only one.

NovaLovesFrogs2 karma

Which way do you believe is the quickest, most humane way, then?

There's a lot of debate about shooting animals in the head before killing them. If the bullet goes to the right place, death is instant. But the problem is people getting lazy and just shooting them anywhere in the head, which sometimes takes hours for them to die and it's excruciating as it does, and no one cares to even fire a second shot.

Which is why I'm against that method. I would prefer if they just shocked, hung, and severed the arteries while they're upside down. Another method I know of is they knock the animal out with a sharp tap to the head, then hang them and slit their throats. I have mixed feelings about this method, because the method they're knocked out with can cause severe pain, even if only momentary.

I prefer buying open-range, but you don't always know if it's really open-range. Like how so many egg farms claimed to be free-range and it turned out the chickens were in cages that were much too small and forced to produce eggs in those conditions. I sometimes find myself saying a little prayer when I'm buying meat, hoping that the animal was happy before it was killed to feed people.

NovaLovesFrogs1 karma

I was afraid you'd think I was picking at your beliefs with my first comment.

It's nice getting to discuss this with someone else without there being hostility being thrown at each other. :)

NovaLovesFrogs0 karma

Hanging an animal by the neck and slitting their throat is actually a pretty common way to slaughter them, and is usually considered humane. But they're shocked first, which paralyses them and [supposedly] makes it impossible for them to feel pain when their throats are slashed.

Otherwise, I completely agree with rescuing animals from those sorts of conditions at a slaughterhouse. Because not only is it cruel to the animals, but it's also contaminating the food chain and can cause illness in people who eat the meats the slaughterhouses produce.

Out of curiosity, what do you think of slaughterhouses that use a gunshot to the head to kill the animal before processing them for meat?

NovaLovesFrogs0 karma

Under what conditions do you rescue animals from slaughter houses? I ask because of your meat-eating edit.

I love caring for animals and would like to rescue them [my family did some minor rescuing when I was a child] but I eat meat as well and I'm not against the use of furs or hides as textiles.

I'm not criticizing your decision to eat meat and rescue animals from slaughterhouses at all. I'd likely do the same thing. Like if the slaughterhouse was killing the animals in an inhumane manner and they were suffering.