Highest Rated Comments

NumberTwoKarate5 karma

Is there a pledge level at which we can join you at the coral reefs?

NumberTwoKarate4 karma

That's part of the broader problem - a crowd of people on the internet doesn't know whether to fund some piece of scientific research, in general. But a forum to help people engage and understand helps the public to know if they should. And that same forum helps scientists better communicate the importance of their research to the public. The public needs to be able to weigh in on the direction of future scientific research; no one is more affected by the outcomes than the general public!

NumberTwoKarate3 karma

Unless they want to do some science; in that case, "Hey Guys! What's up! Wanna do some SCIENCE?!"

NumberTwoKarate2 karma

For what its worth (although your point of view seems to be calcified already), the peer review process doesn't mean that it has to be reviewed by crusty Ph.D. holders. This review community is composed of vibrant researchers of all ages, who are not simply interested in upholding the status quo in scientific research. Also, I came up with the idea for the iPhone, and Facebook, and the moon. So none of those things are all that great.

NumberTwoKarate1 karma

Great vespidae of Paraguay! That's a scary looking lot.