Highest Rated Comments


Little did we all know that Al received a duck job while listening to "I Wanna New Hand".


As you've noticed there's a lot of criticism that gets kicked around in the /r/Austin Sub-Reddit about how the Alamo Drafthouse is changing. In typical Austin fashion it was more or less insinuated that Alamo Drafthouse has gone mainstream and thus has lost the things that made it great. That being said, what would you like to say to those Austinites out there that see their beloved movie theater spreading across the country and are worried the Golden Age of Alamo is behind us? What is different/same with the Alamo theaters being built outside of Texas?

Thanks and keep it weird.


You know, when Ramis said you are the "Spice in the Stew" you really are the Spice to every single thing you perform in. Your acting style is very unique and definitely has created a unique and memorable flavor to the scenes you've been in over the years. Thanks for that and I hope you have even more success in the future.


The fact that it's pubes in the shape of a dick just blows my mind.


Avenger Bros before Skrull Redditors.