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OTPh1l25146 karma

I love watching the clip of that. One second the truck is there. The next second a cloud of smoke and a shockwave and pieces of truck.

OTPh1l258 karma

Agree, instead of using their app, I just switched from Bacon Reader to Relay. I tried the official app for 10 minutes, then literally uninstalled because it was so unintuitive and slow as molasses.

OTPh1l257 karma

Have you ever played D&D? Have any other VA's asked you to play with them? Would you play with them if asked (like Critical Role, for example)?

OTPh1l257 karma

Hi Dennis, how long are you usually working a case once you start? We hear about how NTSB investigators are the first ones out at the scene, but how long are usually at the scene examining what may have gone wrong? How much of it is researching facts and searching for similar incidents in records? I guess if I split it down to a simpler version, how much work is done on scene versus how much is done doing "less glamorous" fact legwork?