Highest Rated Comments

OblviousTrollAccount21 karma

Not if they all have guns on them. Maybe 2 or 3 but then the 4th through 20th will have their guns out and end the problem right there. Every death is a tragedy but having law-abiding citizens with guns will help prevent massacres. Remember, criminals are criminals because they don't care about the law. So gun laws mean nothing to them.

OblviousTrollAccount6 karma

Gun owners are told that if they use their weapon in self-defense, they are to understand that when police arrive they will be treated as a potential suspect (the perpetrator) and therefore should put their guns down and comply to the orders of the police. This should be common sense.

OblviousTrollAccount1 karma

What's your favorite type of porn to shoot? Most interesting actor/actress that you've worked with? and. How do you come up with so many amazing plots in your porn?

OblviousTrollAccount1 karma

Does LAPD have a ticket quota? Even if its not called a quota, do the department heads pressure you into giving out more tickets? Why does it seem like I see more cops on the 1st 2 weeks of every month? is this a coincidence?