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OhSassafrass11 karma

When I was in college we called this pipe sickness. The cure was to throw your pipes off a bridge, and take a break for at least a month or two.

OhSassafrass8 karma

How come every time I opt out, that never gets recorded and then I get $ deducted from my account? I’ve tried reporting it a few times and it gets reversed, but it’s getting kind of tiresome to opt out and then get the “you went over” email.

I initially was enthused about this program, and greatly reduced my energy use overall. But now I’m finding it impossible to go lower. Due to the targets being built off past 2-4 weeks usage, there no way for me to “win” anymore, unless I throw the main breaker (which I’ve done, and my kids were NOT happy about the melted ice cream).

OhSassafrass2 karma

I had to wait years to get into a DBT support group and get a therapist through Stanford do my insurance would cover it. All other DBT therapists in my area aren’t covered by my insurance (which is really good insurance). How can this problem of insurance not recognizing DBT as a covered therapy be fixed? Or is it just that DBT therapists don’t take my insurance, how can we fix that?

OhSassafrass2 karma

I have always had a very shallow chin, and no clear jawline. This feature is present on both sides of my family. We all look like our face just melts into our neck. The only time I seemed to have a jawline was when I was very very thin, BMI of 17. Now I’m older and heavier. I’m not obese but my lack of a chin makes my face look so so fat. What is the proper course of corrective action besides weight loss(working on it, but as I’ve aged it’s become a lot harder!)

Neck/Chin lift? Liposuction? Chin implant?

OhSassafrass1 karma

I want to make banana bread again today. But I’m all out of regular sugar. I have brown sugar and coconut sugar. I’m also running short on butter, so I’d prefer to use crissy tiegen’s recipe, which uses oil instead. Can I substitute the coconut sugar for white sugar, if so do I change the amount?