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OkageStarr3 karma

See, this is the real problem here. I mean, the prison sentence was harsh... too harsh in relation to other (violent) felonies, for sure.

But being a federal case, moving him from prison to prison, outside of visitation from his family? Too much.

As for therapy, just... go into it with an open mind. If you're already deciding that it's a waste of time, it's not going to do any good. You seem to be well-adjusted, though, and from some of your other responses here, it seems your father is a decent man who took a wrong turn and got his whole life destroyed for it. Just be there for him, and remember that as big a change it is for you, it's a much, much bigger change for him.

OkageStarr3 karma

Religion is a touchy topic on Reddit, but I want to ask anyway. Was your family religious before your father was sentenced, and what is his religious outlook now?

I have personal ties to several people who have had similar (though never federal, and never that harsh! Good god, it seems ludicrous to me!) convictions. People don't realize just how bad a felony conviction is; just because his jail time is over doesn't mean he can get back to trying to build a life. Felony means nobody will hire him. Felony means everything he does is scrutinized more. Felony means most people will turn their backs on him at the worst times.

The few people I know who've managed to stay up-and-up and return to life after their felony are mostly people who've leveraged ties to some form of religious group or organization for assistance. For all /r/Atheism's ridicule, religious organizations are the only groups that will even give a felon the time of day sometimes, and seeing as how 'forgiveness' is a core tenet of most christian religions, they tend to be more willing to accept felons than the general populace et al.

OkageStarr2 karma

That went from 'Along for the good-natured joking' to 'initiate the REVERSE TROLL' really fast. Well played, OP.