Highest Rated Comments

Ollieacappella153 karma

What was the most awkward situation you got into while working there? Did any of the customers with uncontrollable, raging boners forget it was a shop for buying material and offer you money to finish them off?

Ollieacappella10 karma

Diese Idee mag ich auch

Ollieacappella3 karma

You should have gone for donttouchmyfuckingco and had us guess what the co stands for.

Coworker, cow, computer... The mystery would be fantastic!

Ollieacappella3 karma

Does it bother you that many people pronounce the 'g' in your name softly as in cage, even though it should be a hard, glottal g (as in got) in Russian? How do you pronounce it yourself?

Ollieacappella2 karma

Being right at the top you're probably pretty well set for life in terms of demand for your abilities. Do you and your colleagues and students at Juilliard tend to play gigs only with others from the school or do you also try to help and promote the careers of people who didn't quite make it to Juilliard but are still great musicians, i.e. people who aren't great on paper but are fantastic on stage?