Highest Rated Comments

Omgitspants3 karma

Was it Susan Atkins who a few years ago wanted to be paroled because she had an inoperable brain tumor or other ailment? I'm not solid on this info, but what is your opinion on anyone other than Manson being paroled? I'm not sure who is still in prison (or alive for that matter). Thank you.

Omgitspants3 karma

Ok, so if it benefits you personally your all for it. If it benefits someone else it should be called into question. That answers pretty much all my questions about Libertarianism

Omgitspants2 karma

I saw this question further down, but no definitive answer. Did Manson at any point ever kill anyone himself? I thought after he was arrested he had confessed to numerous murders that they never found bodies or evidence of (crazy charlie?).