Highest Rated Comments

OperationDepuzzle10 karma

This is useless when you're opening a CSV you've received from someone else.

Edit: If you agree: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/3rid26/we_are_the_microsoft_excel_team_ask_us_anything/cwof9h0

OperationDepuzzle3 karma

Will y' tell the boys at Undercover that Cyndi Lauper's "Money Changes Everything" needs to be a selection next season please? Thanks.

OperationDepuzzle2 karma

As stem cell therapy clinics become more prevalent, but without FDA blessings, what questions and research should the average person employ to help ensure that the therapies being offered are legitimate?

OperationDepuzzle2 karma

Why can Congress piss away billions of dollars on bullshit, but they can't pay a dedicated team to deal with their technology issues? Why should a large number of people want to donate their time and talent to something that is unlikely to be adopted, in order to benefit a group of people who work against our interests?

OperationDepuzzle2 karma

Why not send an email to all supporters outlining how to constructively engage the Trump supporters in their family in debate over the holiday?