Highest Rated Comments

OriginalContentz28 karma

Hey guys! Homeworld and Homeworld 2 IMHO are two of the best games ever released. Solid game mechanics, great story and a fantastic soundtrack. I've never played but also heard that CoH is similarly high-quality. So I wanted to say, in a dystopian future ridden with greedy and obtuse game developers, thank you for standing out.

Are there any plans to start a Homeworld 3?

OriginalContentz21 karma

That is a complete shame. Gearbox has dropped some notable titles, don't get me wrong, but based off their recent releases- I really don't think they can come close to the design cohesion and aesthetic value of the Homeworld series.

Thank you, and keep up the good work!

OriginalContentz1 karma

How much/what kind of scrutiny is used on UGC videos to determine whether or not the video has any CG or other kinds of manipulation?

OriginalContentz1 karma

Hello Tilda, you were hilarious in Burn After Reading! You fit right in to that understated style of humor. Are you going to keep doing comedies?

OriginalContentz1 karma

I've seen it estimated that Mossack Fonseca only handled 5%-10% of its relative market, which is ludicrous considering the scope of this leak.

Do you think this figure is accurate?