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Osteomata18 karma

How does an organization like CAST differentiate human trafficking from something lesser, like the partial wage theft of undocumented immigrants working off the books? I ask because among my more conservative friends there seems to be a perception that anti trafficking organizations paint with far too broad a brush, classifying everything as slavery and whatnot.

Osteomata1 karma

Yes, the flipside would have also bothered me. It is the secretive nature of the thing that is worrisome. I thnk you have set up a false dichotomy, the idea that he could either secretly fund a lawsuit or he could commit illegal acts of sabotage, as if the idea of simply being open about the source and motivation of his legal manuevering is not an option. I disagree with you, and you comment has not really changed that, but I appreciate the response none the less.

Osteomata1 karma

Does it concern you at all that Peter Thiel went after Gawker in secret? So as to be clear, my very tentative position so you know where the question originates: Stepping back from however distasteful you may find Gawker, multimillionaires secretly funding lawsuits designed to financially end a free press organization seems a bit troublesome.