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OtherSide_Ent39 karma

TRACY: Not so much the writing community and the literary community (assuming they ARE a community). I have often had young people write to me, telling me their teacher wouldn't let them do a book report on my novel because it isn't REAL literature. My response was when the teacher can show me their published book, we'll talk.

OtherSide_Ent21 karma

TRACY: First of all, I have to state that 'Dragonlance(r)' is a trademark of TSR Hobbies ... er, I mean, Wizards of the... no, sorry, Hasbro, Inc. and is used here without their permission.

That said, I would love to return to Dragonlance and Margaret, I am sure, would love to write more about Raistlin. We'll let you know if the holders of the IP ever give us a call.

OtherSide_Ent16 karma

While we don't have the Ultima brand, we can use everything else from the original Underworld games. Spells, lore, backstory, an Upset Specter named Warren...

OtherSide_Ent15 karma

TRACY: I think ebooks were inevitable ... you can't stop technolgical evolution. The printing press, movable type ... all these things make publishing what it became and popularized reading.

What I sorrow over is that a basic misunderstanding on the value of the book has made life unbearable for many authors. People came to believe that the value of the book was found in its WEIGHT. Hardback books were perceived as being more expensive because they were larger and weighed more. Paperback books were thought of as less expensive because they were smaller and weighed less.

Which brought us to ebooks ... which because they weigh NOTHING are perceived as being without value.

The value in the book is found in the worlds and the meaning they inspire .... but Amazon seems to have taught us differently.

OtherSide_Ent15 karma

For one, we think we can get a lot more out of sandbox play than what other RPGs are doing these days. We're building tech we're calling the Improvisation Engine that should really open up players' ability to get super-creative with solving challenges, and finding their own approaches.