Highest Rated Comments

PHYS10157 karma

Thank them on behalf of the world for unleashing you as a force for good.

PHYS10138 karma

I like that your not too sure if you're kidding or not with that question mark.

PHYS10110 karma

As an Australian, I don't know if I am misled or misinformed, but didn't he expose the fact that unconstitional things were already happening.

-the laws he violated were written to promote and protect national security.
The NSA were already violating constitution.

On phone for some reason I can't unquote the last sentence that is me, not actually a quote.

PHYS1015 karma

Worse than horrible. Longer time frame, shitter technologies, more expensive, reaching less of the population than the previous governments plan.

The new government knows how to fuck me hard.

PHYS1014 karma

Australian (newly elected) government had changed the plans and wants to ''guarantee'' 25 Mb/s by the year 2020 (our something stupidly long term) at the small cost of $60B. And they don't even see the need for fiber to the home, they want to used mixed technologies.

This really really sucks.