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PKMKII3798 karma

What food trend do you want to see die quickly? And what would you like to see become a food trend?

PKMKII31 karma

But doesn't that create the possibility of errors going unnoticed? There's a vid running around the internet of a movie showing (obviously digital projection) where the sound isn't working and the previews and ads are playing at the same time as the movie. Apparently it did this for a good half hour before management became aware of it and fixed it.

PKMKII16 karma

Wanna know how I know when some person like Tracy Chou has gone too far left? I just read the comment sections in NY Times articles like the ones I linked. If the mostly affluent, white commenters and subscribers think that people like Chou, DeBlasio, and Carranza are discriminatory, racist, and batsh!t with their views then you know it's the truth.

What you’re describing is infighting among the liberals, not the left. Leftists are the last people who see token minority representation at magnet schools as being the cure of economic disparities between ethnic groups.

PKMKII8 karma

So what’s the ownership structure going to be for the company? Are crowdfunding donators getting shares? Will the workers be part owners, or full owners as a workers’ cooperative? Will you be the sole owner?

PKMKII3 karma

Did you take them up on the offer?