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PRGuyHere43 karma

I'm the official spokesman for my employer. We recently had an "active shooter" in my office. Naturally, it was my job to tell the media what was happening while it was happening.

But even I...the person who was IN the building while the shooting was taking place, and I'm the person with media training, and I'm the person with direct access to the CEO and the cops and all the relevant folks...still didn't have the full story until weeks after the shooter was apprehended.

I had confirmed to reporters locally and nationally that we had an active shooter, and that we were on lockdown while police searched room by room to find where the shooter was hiding. I said these things because everyone with any knowledge...me, the CEO, the police chief...believed them to be true.

As it turned out, we did not have an active shooter at all. We had a TARGETED shooter. An ex employee entered the building, shot a former coworker over a dispute, and then fled. But nobody saw him flee, so everyone assumed he was still in the building.

The reality is that during real breaking news...especially in a crisis...the facts won't be known until long after the media and the general public have lost interest.

Everything that is said during a crisis is just guessing, even from the most official people.

PRGuyHere37 karma

True for comics Eugene, but I can't imagine television Eugene as a high school teacher. TV Eugene is...special. Comics Eugene was a liar, but didn't have the social awkwardness.

My guess is tv Eugene worked in a field that didn't require much human interaction. Something in IT, perhaps.

PRGuyHere12 karma

Josh! My wife is such a huge fan, but she won't be home for another hour. So my question is: will you please stick around until my wife can ask you a question?

PRGuyHere6 karma

The people who are forced to work without pay (unlike those who aren’t allowed to work at all) are actually guaranteed that they WILL be backpayed when the shutdown ends.

However, if a mandatory employee doesn’t come to work (even for a perfectly legit reason like a serious illness), they will not receive pay for that day.

So, even though it very truly sucks to have to wait weeks or months for a paycheck...it sucks even more not to get one at all.

(Historically, even the employees who are forced to stay home do eventually get back paid as well — but there is no guarantee that that will happen this time.)

PRGuyHere6 karma

Thanks! She said to ask this:

"My sister, my mom and I are all big fans...and we always thought we sensed chemistry between you and Jael. Did you ever date behind the scenes?"