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Pangolin21 karma

Rainforest Trust, which used to be World Land Trust-US, and spun off from the excellent World Land Trust-UK, is a small, grassroots organization. How do you manage to do such amazing work with so little?

Pangolin21 karma

[AMA request] Rainforest Trust is a small, intense, grassroots organization, working on a shoestring of funds compared to the deep-pocketed and enormous environmental organizations. How are you able to do so much amazing work with such a limited budget, of which almost 90% goes directly to the incredible habitat- and species-saving projects you sustain and are constantly expanding?

Pangolin21 karma

[AMA Request] I've followed (and done my best to support your work for years), and the birds who you say have stirred your heart I've always loved--birds and trees--who with the earth they restore are the habitats of us all--the singers of the forest who teach us if we listen about every organism and whose singing joins us in the breath of life, of which the rainforests as you have said are the lungs... But how can those life forms be saved from our species greed and "development" and as you noted, the emphasis on "sustainability" instead of wilderness preservation? Can you say anything more on what feels sometimes like Sisyphus rolling the rock up the hill every day?

Pangolin21 karma

[AMA Request] What impact do you observe on the world's rainforests of human-caused climate change / global warming?

Pangolin21 karma

[AMA Request] ... climate change which is inexorably underway and our species shows no signs of getting off all fossil fuels?