Highest Rated Comments

PathofTotality43 karma

Since you compose music, I'm sure you listen to a lot of music. So I'm curious to know what kind of music you like to listen to. (Bands, singer, genre etc.)

PathofTotality19 karma

Or do you at least know the release date of the release date? We're kind of desperate here.

PathofTotality18 karma

When I was in youth group we had a guy who was a candidate to be our youth pastor with no background in it and a kid was asking him about ICP and we're pretty sure that and some other stuff drove him to withdraw his candidacy.

PathofTotality8 karma

I've always been kind of curious about train jumping, it's one of those odd fantasies of mine that I pretty much know I'll never act out. So how does that work and what is it like?

PathofTotality2 karma

I'm a big fan of your music and I got to see you guys in Minneapolis a couple years ago and I'm excited to see you guys in Milwaukee this year.

What is your favorite song to play live?