Highest Rated Comments

PaulKelly12346 karma

Huge fan of both of you! Can't wait for Man Seeking Woman!!

Jay, what was it like working with the Trailer Park Boys? Your episode is one of my all time favourites. Superb job!

Any plans to return sometime? Would you consider going on the other side of the camera this time? Even for a one off?

PaulKelly12343 karma

Hey! Greetings from Ireland! Huge fan of your work! Loving the new song. Its brilliant. Who would say is your biggest influence comedy-wise? Also, if you could play any superhero in a movie, who would it be and why? Thanks!

PaulKelly12343 karma

Irish fan here, huge fan of everything you guys have done. Thanks for the Ireland mention in Beerfest! What's the weirdest country you've heard of having a fan base in?

PaulKelly12342 karma

Fuck yes!! Excellent news!!! Definitely looking forward to it! Keep up the awesome work dude!!!! If you ever find yourself in Ireland, drinks on me!

PaulKelly12342 karma

I second the idea for an Irish tour. That's at least 2 people who'd be there.