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Perfect_Fit7 karma

And you are doing a WONDERFUL job at it!! We are not taking jabs at you, we are only making them at the System. (I am personally upvoting everything you post. And a HUGE TY for taking the time to report this here) We are only interjecting facts that you should not in your "bringer of pure facts" role that you are presently in.. so for the Read-a-longs please excuse us while we fill in the blanks for them ;)

Perfect_Fit5 karma

but that leads to the obvious question "Who is the 'enemy'?" Is it the American people, since that is who Bradly wanted to get this information to!

Does that mean our military considers the American people the "Enemy"?

Perfect_Fit2 karma

And you just proved you dont have a clue who the evidence he gave to wikileaks proves are the guilty party... he would have been properly executed, and no one would know his name, or that he even existed... it would have been an "accident" or an unexpected attack" depending on if they wanted his casket to stand on to rally public hatred, or if they wanted him to just disappear.

Trust me the "proper channels" are there to make sure witness' never tell anything ever again... you'd be a complete moron if you thought otherwise!

but your quoted section is the same way

... are you delusional? I never quoted anything, I submitted a link to the record of the chat... and I see you grabbed your quotes from the mainstream media (only quote these sections) script, instead of actually reading it yourself... shortcutting knowledge only cheats yourself... and ONLY gets you a good grade in the public educational system... doesnt mean you actually understand it!

Perfect_Fit1 karma

Oh its relevant... but you dont understand enough to see the connections... keep learning.

Fire being released to humanity has been used for arson... so whoever gave mankind fire is "aiding the enemy"? Or the guy who invented the hammer, as they have been used by many to cause murder... the fact is Manning gave the info to a source who would give it to humanity after editing for innocent peoples safety, as the American Congress had already commended Wikileaks for that ability a few months before Manning handed them over. (Where Wikileaks instantaneously (if you believe in coincidences) became a "terrorist organization" (which is complete bullshit))

And I pointed out, as the OP well understands, Manning couldnt hand over the evidence to the criminals (since if you actually knew what was in those documents you'd know) because the evidence showed that there was a sinister corruption in the highest levels of American government and their international affairs... but sure you'd rather discuss the relevance of apples and oranges next! To ignore the intentions of this brave man to expose the world leaders crimes... sure they are talking about it all today in the Bilderburg meeting. (And yes even that is relevant if you understand well enough!

Perfect_Fit0 karma

he was violating his oath in the manner that he did so.

Where does his "Oath" say he will give evidence of corruption to the corrupt and never let anyone know so the military can keep their corruption concealed?

That is basically saying shit on the Constitution if it doesnt follow military protocol...

Its getting late, but it is sad you would throw away this mans life for WANTING to do the right thing, just because he didnt follow a corrupt concealment system's guideline for exposing corruption so it can stay hidden.

And if you dont think our government would kill someone why dont you ask the family of the professional football player who joined the service to support America, then when he figured out what was happening he got 3 close range "friendly fire" rounds between the eyes? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A444-2004May29.html

Yeah you are so right "accidents never happen" ;) lol

Treason is when our Oath keepers ignore the Constitution being shit on because they are given orders to not speak about it! NEVER is it treason to disregard Unconstitutional Orders... Americans are the ONLY power our soldiers need to answer to... unless you believe we have a King sitting at the top above America... if thats the case then you dont understand America is a REPUBLIC and never was a Democracy.