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Phantomx099086 karma

This is the question I knew was gonna happen. It's the hardest to answer. Some pretty crazy stuff just plain happens all the time. It's hard to pick, from patients ripping their own beards out, to patients biting staff, using IV poles to try to pry doors open. Patients coming in in hockey bags... Shit happens.

I have to say the downright creepiest happened in the labor and delivery unit. We had a fetal demise, baby didn't make it. it's a hard thing for every mother to go through, but for some, it literally breaks their soul. Most keep the body in their rooms with them for hours, sleeping in the bed with them overnight, etc. Which is something we understand and are used to.

The worst was a mother that had the baby in there for nearly three days. It had started to decay. When she finally left we brought it to the morgue. It had been down there for a few hours, when she came back to the unit and asked to see the baby. Thing is, it was falling apart at this point. Its head was falling off and one of its arms was pretty much off.

But we tried our best. We retrieved it and brought it to the staff, who desperately tried to clean it up, bundling it up in multiple blankets trying to make sure it stayed together for the mom. It was pretty fucking awkward. Luckily after that she didn't ask to see it again.

Phantomx099035 karma

Hmm. Well, I had a patient yell, "Fuck pink" for ten minutes before attacking the core glass. Another one started hitting on all the nurses while we were restraining them, giving us all nicknames. My favorite nickname they gave a nurse was "the backup bitch" because the 'normal bitch' was on break. I was the 'only person keeping them calm', to which they continued to compliment me by trying to bite me while restraining them.

Phantomx099032 karma

I gotta say, working with the staff is the most rewarding experience. ER staff are amazing. Seeing a little kid sick and just broken and leaving feeling better is always awesome. My favorite part of the job is giving stickers to the kids that visit the ER. Makes my day every time.

Let's see, three babies have been delivered outside the hospital, one right in front of the security desk, though I wasn't there for that one.

For the first one, it was near the end of our shift, like ten minutes left, and another guard and I are standing at the security desk near the ER entrance. A guy comes running in, screams, "It's coming!" and runs out. The other guard and I look at each other for a split second, confused, before be both said, "Baby!" at the same time. We gloved up, he grabbed a wheelchair, I called L&D, and we ran out there to find dad already holding newborn, with a look of 'now what do I do with it?" on his face. L&D showed up, baby and mom were taken care of. It was dark out and I already had by duty belt off so we were using my phone for a flashlight. Got the mom and baby inside, it was then that I noticed the little girl in the back seat, like three, screaming "MAAAMAA" at the top of her lungs... poor kid is probably traumatized for life.

The other one worth mentioning was a baby born in a bush. A literal bush. A guard was sitting at the desk, I walk up after a patrol and he looks over and goes, 'What's that lady doing?'. I look over, had no idea. He looks again, and his face went white. Lady had just squatted over a bush and had a baby right fucking then and there. Of course there was the usual panic, calling L&D, getting the baby safe, etc. But that bush has seen some shit now.

Phantomx099024 karma

All the time. I fight depression myself, and seeing patients having a hard time with that breaks my heart. There are a few times I get choked up, usually I end up venting to my best friend about things. But I keep most of the emotional stuff to myself. Sadly, you get too used to things stuff that choked you up before now doesn't bother me really.

Phantomx099020 karma

Honestly three things, level of training, pay, and attitude.

I'm trained in defensive tactics, BCS, pressure point control tactics, CPR, AED, etc.. I even have FEMA training. We are the ones that take our jobs as real jobs. Not lazy, not over controlling. Our attitude is what seals the deal. Hardworking individuals that know their work and where they stand.